Welcome to Room 8's Blog

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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Monday, December 2, 2013

Tauranga Libraries Summer Reading Programme

Tauranga Library Website

Be in quick as there are limited spaces. Great way to keep up the children's reading over the long summer break.


Hi Room 8 families,

I have been doing some reading myself lately and came across this nice website from the  National Library of New Zealand.  Being a competent reading is the door to the rest of the curriculum for our learners. I found a section on 'Reading at home' and thought I would give you the opportunity to have a look at the information available.

Our focus in reading at present is decoding, fluency & expression and then deeper understanding. It is important that with so much reading material and information available to our children now, that they develop 'information fluency'. This basically means they not only read text, but also critique the information and then apply what they have learned.

Above all, we want our children to enjoy their reading.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Dinosaur Poems

We did shape poems based on our study of dinosaurs. We used an adjective, then a noun, followed by a  verb. We used the iPads to research the dinosaur names and then brainstormed the adjectives and verbs. We published the shape poems on paper first, then we used the iPad to make a movie of an alternative form of publication.

Doodle Buddy - We drew our dinosaur
Tellagami - We typed or read our poem so our avatar presents our poem with our drawing in the background
Typedrawing - We typed our poem into the app and then drew our poem around the outside of our drawing.

We then used iMovie to collate our finished product.  This is our first attempt at using Tellagami, so some of the typing may be a little inaccurate, but we did this on our own or with peer tutors. It was a lot of fun.

Click here to view our presentations

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Operation Christmas Child

Click here to view the website

Room 8 is taking part in Operation Christmas Child.  The aim is for our children to bring along a small contribution towards filling a shoebox for two children. One boy and one girl in the 5 - 9 year age range.  Below is a list of suggestion. It does not have to be expensive, just a contribution would be great.  We need to hand the shoeboxes back by Monday.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

We are finalists in the MADE Awards

Room 8 entered our Magnificent Masks documentary into the 2013 MADE Awards. We are listed as finalists. You can see a list of finalists in all the different categories and details about attending the awards ceremony.

Well done us :-)

This week we made the Bay of Plenty Times. An explanation of the project as well as a lovely photo of 3 of our classmates with their masks.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Magnificent Masks

We have had a wonderful time with our Art Project, lead by our student teacher Karen Reed. We have been enjoying being able to play in paste, paint and all that terrific goo.

We put together an iMovie presentation documenting our journey. This was completed entirely on the iPad. Enjoy

Click here to watch the movie